Ivanti Neurons for ITSM and Endpoint Manager Connector

Endpoint Manager allows you to import data from your Endpoint Manager database into the Ivanti Neurons for ITSM configuration management database. This is a one-way import of data.


Following are the prerequisites for importing Endpoint Manager data into Neurons for ITSM.

Roles: The applicable user role is Administrator.

Minimum Supported Version: Neurons for ITSM - 2017.3 onwards

Endpoint Manager Configuration

Configure the Windows Firewall to Allow SQL Server Access

You must configure the firewall on the computer that is running SQL Server. This enables you to import configuration items from the Endpoint Manager database into Neurons for ITSM.

Importing Packages into Neurons for ITSM

1.Log in to Neurons for ITSM as an Administrator.

2.Click the Settings icon to open the Settings page.

3.Click the Heat Development Package option on the left panel and click Packages.

4.Click the Import Package option.

5.Click the Preview Impact button in the Import Package window.

6.Select the Validate and apply if no errors option as the default option and execute.

Selecting the Import Package Option to Validate and Apply if No Errors

Selecting the Validate and apply if no errors option.

If the Import is Successful, the Following Message will Appear

Image of successful import message.

7.Close the Package Import Result dialog box to proceed.

8.Repeat the steps to import Endpoint Manager integration packages.

Data Imported by the Neurons for ITSM Database

The Ivanti Neurons for ITSM database supports mapping objects for Business Objects - Monitor, Mobile Device, Printer, Router, Switch, UPS, Video Conference, and Phone from the Endpoint Manager database. However, the application is flexible and you can define other objects as well.

Database import for the following Business Objects is supported:

Object Mapping - Computer

Object Mapping - Mobile Devices

Object Mapping - Monitor

Object Mapping - Printer

Object Mapping - Router, Switch, UPS, Phone, and Video Conference

Importing the Endpoint Manager Configuration Items into Neurons for ITSM

The Endpoint Manager connector enables Ivanti Neurons for ITSM to import Configuration Item (CI) information from the Endpoint Manager database in any of the SQL server instances. Refer to this Ivanti article: Setting Up a Data Import Connection.

To enable data import from the Endpoint Manager database to Neurons for ITSM, you need to configure the firewall by opening the ports to allow an external remote connection to the Endpoint Manager Server.

In case of any issues in connecting/reaching to the Endpoint Manager Server from Neurons for ITSM, On-Premise Endpoint Manager and Cloud Neurons for ITSM setup and infrastructure VPN tunnel must be configured for connectivity.

1.Log in to Neurons for ITSM as an Administrator and click the Settings icon to open the Settings page.

2.Click the Integration Tools > Data Import Connections.

3.Double-click the newly imported package. e.g. Endpoint Manager – Switch.

Selecting the Endpoint Manager - Switch Package

Selecting the End Point Manager - Switch imported package.

4.Enter the configuration details for the package. An example, is shown in the below image.

Entering Configuration Details

Entering the configuration details for a package.

5.Click the Test Connection button to perform a test once the configuration details are entered.

If the Test was Successful, the Following Window is Displayed

Image of a successful test connection.

6.Click the Next button to proceed to Object Mapping.

By default, the below tables are selected, however, you can customize the mapping.

Selecting Options in the Object Mapping Page

Image of the object mapping options.

7.Keep the default values and click Next to proceed to Filter Settings.

8.If any specific filter is required, you can add mapping, else proceed to Field Mapping page.

9.Define any filters you need and click Next to proceed to the Field Mapping page.

Defining Filters in the Field Mapping Page

Image of the Field Mapping page.

10.Verify the mapping values and click Next.

11.Skip the Schedule Setting step (optional).

12.Click the Preview button before publishing.

Previewing Your Selections Before Publishing

Preview your selected options before publishing.

13.Click Publish to complete the Data Import Connection.

If the Import was Successful, the Following Message is Displayed

Image of a successful import.


You can view if the job is running as scheduled or view if the job ran.